Thursday, January 11, 2007

First Sub-Par Post

I realized suddenly that I promised you all (all 4 of you) that I would update every weekday, and I haven't sent anything today. However, I also realized that I have nothing interesting to say today.

Rather than post a pointless and uninteresting update of my day (I went to some classes, came home, and now I'm drinking), I thought I'd post a random question that comes from my list of questions which I have been writing down during classes.

These questions may or may not be relevant to what I'm studying in class. If they're not, they're random constructions of my mind. If they are, chances are good I might discuss them in more detail later.

Anyhow, the first question is as follows:

Why is it that, when we are asked to answer a question in class, we always speak directly to the teacher?

This happens whether the teacher asks the question, or when we are following up to a previous student's response. It happens whether the question is personal or on the topic of the class discussion. My open question to the world is, why?

So say we all.


Myles! said...

Because the teacher is grading you jerk ass.

P.S. I'm drinking too.

Hally at Experience said...

Hey look, I can comment.

I tend to agree with Myles. Who gives a fuck what the rest of the class thinks. If you're anything like me, you're not there to learn, you're there for a grade. So we tell the person grading us our answer and move along.


Myles! said...

Wow, you kept your blog updated for all of two days. What commitment, hahahaha.
It's "oh shit, I got stoned and wandered away" on a slightly larger scale.

Unknown said...

because the teacher is the one asking. durrr. what i want to know is why i get nervous answering a question even when i know my answer is right? like knots in my stomach. i'm not even a shy person really...