Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Drunk Chronicles Part 1

As can be read in more detail from Myles, I have a habit of getting drunk, stoned, or otherwise inebriated with Myles and coming up with some of the most irreverent, nonsensical, and utterly transcendent dialogue I've ever come across. Because we are (almost always) in an altered state at the time, we naturally assume we will forget it. Therefore, we have come up with a system wherein one of us sends a text message with the salient portion of the dialogue, in the hopes that we will both remember it forever, and laugh about it the following day.

Often, these texts come as something of a mystery the following morning. Because we rarely put the entire quote into the text, and because context is all but impossible to describe in 160 characters, we often have to perform some detective work in order to reason these things out.

In that spirit, Myles and I have decided to start posting these texts, every once in a while, and working out that detective work on our blogs. He posts a text, I try to remember the how and the why of it (and in some cases where other friends were involved, the who), and then he posts his memory of it. You may never get a definitive answer. In cases where we disagree, assume we were simply that out of our heads the night we sent it. If we disagree completely, chances are neither of us really knows.

Without further ado, I will repost the first message, and then try to figure it out.

"Highness is the plurality of the world."

I'd really love to go into detail about the exact metaphysical debate which was either created by, or summarized by, this quote. But I can't, because, as one would reasonably assume from the sentence, we were both high. As far as I remember, this took place in the glorious summer of ought 6, wherein Myles, Rager and I lived at our friend Steve's apartment in Newton Highlands. We were most likely sitting on the couch, and we were most likely watching TV.

I would have to suspect that our elevated state led us to discuss the fuzziness that the world takes on during one of these escapades. If you've ever tried a bit of the green stuff, you probably know what I mean. Being high, it seems, makes everything happen multiple times, in multiple ways.

I honestly can't remember much more about this one. Sort of a poor showing for our first attempt, but no matter. Maybe next time.

So say we all. (bonus points if you can reference that one)

1 comment:

Myles! said...

An Explanation: